Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Daf Yomi: Yevamos 24

We don't accept Geirim in the days of Dovid and Shlomo or in the days of Mashiach. Since those were the days of plenty for the Jews, we need to be concerned that the converts motive is for financial gain.

Tosfos says we cannot ask from Itti Hagiti and Bas Pharoh who converted in the days of Dovid and Shlomo. They were independently wealthy and didn't need any welfare.

Tosfos asks: how could Hillel convert the non-Jew who wanted to convert on condition that he'll be the Kohain Gadol and wear his magnificent clothing? Is he not converting for an alternative reason?

Tosfos answers: that Hillel was confident that after he'll show him the right way, he'll convert for the right reasons.

Check out my English E-Sefer- Gemara and Tosfos: Sukka 2a-11a.
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