Monday, August 24, 2015
Mon Nazir 2
The Gemara says "let say Shmuel holds Yadayim that are not definitely implied doesn't work. That's why when someone says "I'll be" only works if a Nazir passes, so we know he refers to a Nazir. Otherwise we cannot say we definitively know what he's trying to be.
Tosfos explains: that if he holds that Yadayim don't need to be so definitive, than he would be a Nazir with this expression even if no Nazir passed by.
Tosfos explains: although everyone holds that an expression needs to imply one way more than the other, or else it's not a Yad at all. If so, why does the term "I'll be" imply more that he'll be a Nazir than he'll be fasting?
Tosfos explains: since the implication of "I'll be" seems to say that he'll be something immediately. This is more apropos by Nazir, that may start immediatly in middle of the day. despite if he drank wine that day. However, a fast cannot start in middle of a day that you already ate, therefore the term is not as apropos as by a Nazir
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