Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Wed Nazir 11
If someone makes a Nazirus on condition that he can drink wine, even R' Shimon agrees the nazirus takes effect. Since it's a condition that's against the Torah (that says a Nazir is forbidden to wine), so the condition is illegal, and you're left with a complete Nazir.
Tosfos asks: why does the gemara need to discredit the condition because it's against the Torah? Say the reason the condition is illeagle because you need a condition to be only on something that you can send an agent to do it for you (Shliach.) If you can't make a Shliach, so you can't make a condition.
Tosfos answers: although you cannot make a Shliach to fulfil your Nazirus, you can make a Shliach to bring your Korbonos. So we consider Nazirus as a whole as an aspect that one can make a Shliach .
Rabbi Akiva Eiger asks: we see that someone can make a condition for an oath (which only he can keep and can't send a Shliach not to eat for him), although there is no Korbon to say there some aspect that applies Shlichos?
Blast your way into Elul Zman:
"Gemara and Tosfos"
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