Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wed Sotah 23

A Kohain's wife Minchas Sotah should get completely burnt for the husband's portion of it, however, since the wife has a part in it, then only the Kamitza should get burnt.

Tosfos asks: if it's a partnership, then a Mincha can't be brought. (only an individual can bring a Mincha.) If it's only her, then we should burn it in the way of her Minchos (i.e., only the Kemitza.)

Tosfos answers: We consider it a partnership only regarding how to burn it, since the husband doesn't release his ownership on it. (Not like when one donates a Korbon for someone else, the Temurah is made (by it's owner) the one who receives atonement, since the buyer gives over the whole Korbon to him.)

However, we consider it an individual Mincha, since only the wife receives atonement for it.