Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tues Nazir 3

The Gemara says that R' Yochanan holds if you says "birds that (are written) next hair" and a Nazir Tahor passes you want to be a Nazir (according to R' Meir.) However if a Nazir Tamai walks by, then we assume he only wants to pay for his Korbon Tamai (which is brought with birds.)

Tosfos explains: we assume that he wants to take the easy way out, so we 'll assume he only wants to pay for this Nazir's korban rather than taking upon himself a full Nazirus.

Tosfos asks: perhaps we should assume it even though the Nazir is Tahor, that all he wants to do is to pay for his korbonos if he becomes Tahor.

Tosfos answers: since the obligation to bring korbon Tamai has not materialized yet, we don't say that could be his intent. Therefore, we must assume he's taking on Nazirus, which is applicable to take effect immediately.

Blast your way into Elul Zman:

"Gemara and Tosfos"

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