Monday, August 31, 2015

Mon Nazir 9

R' Yehuda says in the case he says" I'm a Nazir from figs": even Beis Shamai only forbids figs (and doesn't become a Nazir) as if he said the figs are a Korbon.

Tosfos asks: we see regularly that R' Yehudah holds we assume the first terms the person said. Therefore we should assume that the main words are "I'm a Nazir" and he should be a complete Nazir.

Tosfos answers: we only say that he assumes the first terms is only if the terms are contradictory. Like if he says that this animal is an exchange for an Olah, an exchange for a Shlomim. Therefore we assume his first term that it's an exchange for a Shlomim. However, here we can say the end of his words explain his original statement, that when he said I'm a Nazir, he means to make an oath and separate himself from figs. Therefore we can take the end term into account how to explain the original words.