Monday, October 26, 2015

Mon Nazir 65 (really 64, from yesterday)

The Gemara has a few inquiries. First if the rodent is floating on dissolved Nevaila, if it's considered on food and is considered resting or on liquid and is considered floating. Even if that's considered food, how about floating on semen whcih we should really consider liquid (since it starts that way.) Or since it comes out of the solid body, we consider it a continuation. Even if we consider it solid, how about flowing on the waters of he Parah Aduma?

Tosfos explains the last query, since there is mixed ash, it's thicker than water, therefore I might say it's somewhat like a solid.

Tosfos thereby says: since the only only attribute that this water is different than other water, is because of its consistency, the Gemara could have the same inquiry of any water mixed with ashes.

Alternatively, it was specifically asked by Parah. Since it can make someone Tamai, we may consider it(together with the rodent) one big piece of Tumah. Thus that may be a reason to say that the whole Tumah is floating on the bottom water (that the Parah water is on top of.)