Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thurs Nazir 47

The Gemara has a Shaila, which one comes first to bury a Mais Mitzvah,a Kohain Gadol that was anointed or one that was appointed afterwords after they hid the oil, by wearing all eight clothing.

Tosfos deals with the problem, later we say that when they have to appoint another Kohain gadol to serve in the first one's life (when the first Kohain gadol was not fit to serve), cannot do the Avodah when the Kohain gadol comes back. We say there it's simple that a non preforming Kohain gadol should bury first. So what is the question here?

Tosfos answers: we only retire him from doing Avodah in the first one's life time if he was a temporary substitution. We refer to a case where the first Kohain Gadol was exiled for many years. Since the second one was an established kohain gadol for years, we allow him to keep on practicing.the Avodah.