Monday, November 30, 2015

Mon Sotah 35

The Gemara says that after they wrote the Toarh down for the nations to read, and they didn't accept it, it sealed their doom to gehenim.

Tosfos asks: didn't they earlier by Matan Torah refused to accept the Torah after Hashem went to offer it to all the nations. So why only here did it seal their doom?

Tosfos answers: this is worse, since it was all written in front of them and they refused to learn them.

However, Tosfos remains with a question from Mesechta Avodah Zara. There it says that the Goyim will claim by Moshiach that they cannot be blamed for not accepting the Torah since they weren't forced to accept it like the Jews were (by suspeneding the mointan over them.) (Over there Hashem will test them and they'll fail.) So why is their doom sealed when they went into Eretz Yisrael, since it seems that there excuses will still valid in the future?