Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tues Sotah 22

The Gemara says that someone should do Torah and Mitzvos even not for the right reason since he'll eventually do it for the right reasons

Tosfos asks: the Gemara in Brachos says that it's better that you didn't exist and in Taanis the gemara says that the Torah in such a case is poison.

Tosfos answers: our Gemara refers to learning Torah for fear of punishment or for receiving reward. This is good despite not doing it for fulfilling Hashem's will.

In Brachos and Taanis refers to someone who is not interested in actually doing Mitzvos. So his Torah study is worse than if he hadn't studied, since if he would be ignorant he would only not do Mitzvos B'Shogeg. Now, since he has knowledge, it would be Maizid.