Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tues Nazir 10

Rami b. Chama explains the Mishna that he made a Nazir from the cows meat if he stands up( and he adds the word) by itself.

Rava disagrees. The Mishna does not have the words "by itself," therefore you cannot add it in.

Tosfos asks: don't we always answer Mishnoyos that Chisurai Mechsara, that some of the words are missing (and you need to fill it in?) Why don't we answer that too here?

Tosfos answers: we only say that when it involves what the Tanayim argue with, since it's more obvious something is missing. However, here, it's only a side note (what the condition was) and didn't involve the argument (if a Nazir from meat makes him a Nazir) the Tana would never leave it out.

Blast your way into Elul Zman:

"Gemara and Tosfos"

Try First Amud of Perek Free
