Monday, December 21, 2015

Mon gitten 8

The Gemara says we allow telling a Goy to write a sale document for a house bought in Eretz Yisrael.

Tosfos says: we only permit telling a Goy to do a Melacha from the Torah only by this Mitzvah, since it's so important to settle Eretz Yisrael. However, we don't permit for other Mitzvos, as we see that we don't allow telling a Goy to cook up water so that we can make a Bris on Shabbos.

Also, although we allow to tell a Goy to do a D'rabanan to able us to do Milah (like to carry hot water in a courtyard without an Eiruv.) However, it's no proof to other Mitzvos, since perhaps we're more lenient by Bris, since the actual Bris pushes away the prohibition of Shabbso (as we alow him to wound the child on Shabbos)