Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Tues Gitten 16

We say that a stream of water heading down hill doesn't combine the two pools (the one on top and the one on the bottom) not for Tumah (that if a Tumah touches one pool, the other one doesn't become Tamai), and not for Taharah (that they don't combine to forty Saah to become a Mikvah.

Tosfos asks: why don't we say, because of Gud Aches) that we view the top one lowering into the bottom one to make 40 Saah ?

Tosfos answers: we only say that when one of the pools are anyhow 40, and we need to combine the pool that's not forty to it. In that case, we say the non-forty pool is apart of the forty Saah pool to be a Mikvah. However, if neither pool is forty, so we don't say Gud Aches to combine them together that they'll be a Mikvah.

Alternatively, what the Gemara says that they don't combine for Tahara, doesn't refer to a Mikvah. rather, regarding Hashaka. (Where you take Tamai waster and open it to a Mikvah. It momentarily becomes part of the Mikvah and becomes tahor. Then you can seal the opening between them and you're left with tahor water.

This is the last week in the archives: If you want me to continue, please write me a line@ tosfosproject@gmail.com . If i get enough request I'll continue