Thursday, December 31, 2015
Thurs Gitten 18
Tosfos asks: according to R' Yochanan that says the reason they enacted to write the date in Gitten in order to save his niece. (If he married her and she committed adultery, he writes her a Get without a date. Therefore Bais Din cannot kill her, for perhaps she was divorced when she did that act.) Nowadays where Bais Din doesn't give capitol punishment, why does he require writing the date?
Tosfos answers: either to save her children from being rendered Mamzeirim. Alternatively, to kill her when Mashiach comes, and Sanhedrin will reintroduce capitol punishment. Alternatively, to forbid her to her husband, so he can't claim they were divorced when the act took place.
This is the last week in the archives: If you want me to continue, please write me a line@ . If i get enough request I'll continue