Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thurs Nazir 19

The Gemara says that if the husband Meifer the Neder, this Tana holds taht it's retroactively cut off, and can not bring the Olah but brings the chatas, since she sinned by holding herself back from the pleasure of wine.

The gemara explains this is like R' Yishmael. Tosfos explains that since R' Yishmael considers it part of the Kapara (and not just a gift) he cannot bring it for no reason. However, the Chatas he can bring, although at this point it's no longer Chayiv. However, since we see one can bring a bird Chatas for a Safeik, therefore it's apropos to bring it for any reason you can find, even if technically you're not Chayiv.

However, you cannot bring one if she doesn't become Tamai, although she still sinned, since we only allow this if there was once some kind of Chiyuv to bring, like when she was Tamai. However, for a Nazir tahor, we cannot create a new Korbon.

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