Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thurs Nazir 26

We conclude: we only say that the money of nazir falls to Nedava if the money for chatas is till mixed within. However, if it's not , then half of it goes for the Shlamim and half for an Olah.

Tosfos explains: we can understand this well to R' yochanan, since we can say this condition is included in the Halacha L'Moshe Misinai. However, according to Reish Lakis, that is' a Drashsa, why should we differentiate whether the Chatas money is there or not?

Tosfos answers: it's logical to assume that the Pasuk refers only when the Chatas money is included, since we know that the leftover of Chatas money (that was not needed in the Chatas purchase) falls to nedava. Thus we can assume that the Chatas money causes all the Nazir money to go to Nedava.

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