Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tues Nazir 24

The gemara asks: how can the woman have her own money to buy her own Korbonos. So the Gemara answers: she had skimped from her allowance for food.

Tosfos asks: doesn't the Gemara in Kesuvos say that the leftover money from her food account return to the husband (and the wife is not privy to it?)

Tosfos answers: we refer to a man who told his wife that she use her own salary to buy her food. Since she's not getting support from her husband, she definitely allowed to keep what's leftover.

Alternatively, we only refer to a case where the husband put an allowance for her food, and the food went down in price. Thus all extra money that wasn't spent reverts to him. However, we refer to leftovers from her skimping on the food, then she's privy to keep the leftovers.

Blast your way into Elul Zman:

"Gemara and Tosfos"

Try First Amud of Perek Free
