Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wed Nazir 18

The Gemara says that the reason for the rabanan that says that when we say we can start a Nazir Tamai's count even if one of his Korbonos wan't brought, we must say it's the Asham. We cannot say that an Ashamm is included, but we exclude the Olah, since there is no reason that the Olah should hold back the count. Since it's not a Korban for kaparah but just a gift.

Tosfos asks: how can R' Yishmael say that we refer to the Olah? Why don't we say that it's simple that it can't hold back counting, since it's only a gift?

Tosfos answers: although usually we only consider it as a gift, by Nazirus it's part of the Kaparah. We see that from the Pasuk writing about the Olah and the Chatos in the same Pasuk and afterwords it refers to the kapara.

Now since we consider it one of the main pieces of the Kapara, this we don't say you must bring the Olah, but the Chatas doesn't stop you from counting? Even though the Olah is part of the Kapar, the Chatas is still the main Kapara. Thus, it makes sense to say that the Torah only excludes the minor part of the Kapara.

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